Teacher in styleAverage Rating4.82(based on 47 reviews)Teacher Sheffield Powerpoint queenEdit shopAdd a resource
aimeejohnson1RWI - ea cup of tea - Dice Game(0)Following the RWI program. Dice activity practicing segmenting and blending of words containing the sound ‘ea’.
aimeejohnson1EYFS/Year 1 Handwriting - Capital and lower case letters(0)EYFS/ Year 1 Handwriting National Curriculum: Form lower-case letters in the correct direction, Form capital letters Name letters of the alphabet
aimeejohnson1Phase 2 - HFW- Games resources(0)Phase 2 High frequency words - Games. Game pack includes: -HFW fish game, -HFW fried egg game, -HFW carrots, -HFW cookies.